Psychological Testing

At The Pratt Center, we have specialized in psychological testing and school meeting support since 2000.

When a student is inattentive, anxious, depressed or struggling to learn, parents may feel unsure of the best ways to help.

Dr. Pratt is a licensed psychologist who is qualified to give diagnoses, including specific learning disabilities (e.g., dyslexia), attention issues (ADHD), depression, anxiety and autism spectrum disorder.

Through psychological testing, Dr. Pratt guides parents toward a greater understanding of the issues and offers effective solutions.

psychological testing, Brendan Pratt, assessment, evaluations, Los Altos, Bay Area Brendan Pratt, Ph.D., CEO
Licensed Psychologist, PSY17794


Scheduling Testing

Dr. Pratt specializes in psychological testing of students age 7 to 22. He takes pride in his comprehensive, practical and compassionate approach to psychological testing. He ensures that parents and teachers understand the results and can utilize them to support the student.

Parent meetings and school meetings are by video conference only.

Learn more about psychological testing:

Anonymous parent reviews are from former clients who have posted to public websites.

School Meetings, such as IEP or 504

If a student is struggling in school, psychological testing is generally the first step in clarifying their needs.

Testing results are often discussed at a school meeting, such as an IEP team meeting or a 504 meeting.

Parent Reviews

"Dr. Pratt tested our child when they were 7 years old, and it was the best thing we ever did in regards to pin pointing the educational help our child needed for their success. Our child has a high IQ and is very social but also exhibits ADHD to the point that it took a very patient and kind person like Dr. Pratt to get our child to take the battery of tests."

"It was great that Dr. Pratt was able to observe our child in the classroom and then meet with the team at our child's school to go over the best learning strategies/accommodations for them. This has helped our child to succeed over the past 6 years at their school, as well as advocate their needs."

"As a Mom, who's also an administrator and educator and has taught Kindergarten through Law School for the past 20 years, I can definitely say that Dr. Pratt is one of the best psychologists I've ever met. Thank-you, Dr. Pratt!!"